Stories (Games)

This page serves as a (spoiler-free) list of all currently released stories in the Hemotropic Friendship Virus universe. All stories have a set timeframe in which they take place in canon, so they are listed here in chronological order as to reflect this canon timeline. However, there is actually no need to concern yourself with reading the stories in chronological order; this is merely for reference purposes. You can read them in whatever order you want. But, if you want more guidance than that, then I recommend reading them in release order (starting with HFV: Occultation if you're focusing mostly on the main story, and Bloodshreddrzz if you're reading everything.) Release order is the order in which they are displayed on my page (with ones towards the top being the newest, and ones closer to the bottom being the oldest.)

Why recommend release order over chronological order? Well, the simple answer is that I'm always changing things. It's not too infrequent that I will totally overwrite parts of the canon of a previous entry with a new release, even if the new release chronologically takes place before the old one. I constantly build upon and revise aspects of the canon for my own amusement. It will help you to think of HFV less like a traditionally linear storyline, and more like what it really is: me documenting my daydreams about my OCs into visual novels. Most HFV games come to fruition by me thinking "hey, what if this happened? that would be interesting" and then writing a story about it.

Clicking on the title of a story will take you to its page. There will also be a Steam version of Hemotropic Friendship Virus released...eventually.

All stories are classified as being either "main" or "side" stories, based upon very simple criteria:

Now, Enough Dilly-Dallying...

Lunar Halo (Main Story)

CG from the 2024 version

Release Date: April 19th, 2024

Place in Canon Timeline: August 2002-December 2002

(Included with the 2024 version of HFV: Occultation; accessed by clicking the "Bonus Story" option on the main menu)

This is the backstory of how Rowan and Ximun became friends in middle school, primarily told from Rowan's perspective.

Bloodshreddrzz (Side Story) cover image
Title screen image

Release Date: January 13th, 2024

Place in Canon Timeline: August 2004-October 2004

"Maeve, Veda, Winnie, Mina, and Felicity are all incoming freshmen this year at North East High School. Each girl has lived her whole life feeling isolated from her peers, having her own unique reasons for struggling to connect with those around her. However, this year, they will all discover that the empathy these experiences have granted them may be far more valuable than they ever could have imagined."

This game serves as the backstory for the Bloodshreddrzz girls, who are a regularly returning cast of side-characters.

Hemotropic Friendship Virus: Occultation (Main Story) cover image
Title screen image

Release Date: April 19th, 2024

Place in Canon Timeline: March 2006-April 2006

"After quitting his school's track team, Ximun Ibarra searches for another extracurricular activity to keep him entertained for the remaining few months of the school year. He ends up feeling drawn to the Creative Writing club; and, as a result, he happens to catch the attention of current club member (and local micro-celebrity) Adair Olivares Hernandez. For whatever reason, Adair is incredibly interested in him… She seems nice enough on the surface, but are her true intentions so innocent?"

This is the origin story of Adair and Ximun's friendship, which makes up the core of the "main" narrative.

Nobody Wants to Hug Anymore (Side Story) cover image
Title screen image (art by Rozenymph)

Release Date: February 11th, 2025

Place in Canon Timeline: March 2006-May 2006

"Nobody wants to hug London. After all, she's not exactly known for being very likeable. However, neither is Fey, and it seems like Fey might be just as touch-starved as she is. They find themselves forming a strangely intimate relationship rather quickly...but, is that really all there is to it? How does a relationship with such an odd start even begin to develop as time goes on?"

This is the backstory of the relationship between the two antagonist characters London and Fey. Adair is also there sometimes. I made this for SHITTY GAL JAM.

Monster (Main Story) cover image

Release Date: June 26th, 2024

Place in Canon Timeline: July 2006

"It's been a few months since the strange beginnings of Ximun's friendship with Adair. Yet, even after all the time they've spent together, he still feels like he barely knows her at all. On this day, he attempts to discern why."

This is a very short little story that gives some detail about how Ximun sees the concept of personhood.

Crack the Chrysalis (Main Story) cover image

Release Date: March 27th, 2025

Place in Canon Timeline: November 2006

"transformative experiences as a result of transvestism"

A revision to Rowan's coming out to Ximun as trans, plus DarkPark learning something new about himself too. I made this for make literally anything jam.

The Delicate Hearts of Sincerely Affectionate Girls (Main Story) cover image

Release Date: November 30th, 2024

Place in Canon Timeline: November 2003-November 2006 (flashbacks), December 2006 (present)

"As it turns out, Kiva isn't straight. And, as it turns out, Rowan makes a very cute girl..."

This is a fun little story that details how Kiva develops a crush on Rowan, once Rowan comes out as being transsexual female. I made this for Yuri Game Jam 2024.

The Rabbit That Lives (Main Story) cover image

Release Date: February 28th, 2025

Place in Canon Timeline: January 2007

"Its been over six years. since kiva's sister died. and she is Convinced that she will Never be Happy Again. because now her obsession with Death has reached a point to where she is creeping out almost everyone else around her. Creepy Kiki. and while her Rabbit Friends do love and support her. there is one Rabbit Friend of hers in particular who loves Creepy Things (and Rabbits) more than anyone else she's ever met. but he's also the one she's the least close with. a friend of her friends....well. perhaps there is no better time than Now for her to try to get to know him. especially now that she knows there's actually Three of him. including one Self of his that's been curiously elusive compared to the others...?"

This is a story that involves Kiva and Ximun (particularly PoolPark) getting to know each other better, as well as some of Kiva's everyday conflicts.